Horse Gram Kulthi Bean Nepali Mato 1kg
Nepali Mato supports and promotes women's entrepreneurship in Nepal. It motivates the use of Nepali resources and access to capital for financially unreached groups. They support women in developing entrepreneurship, helping them overcome financial barriers....
Nepali Mato supports and promotes women's entrepreneurship in Nepal. It motivates the use of Nepali resources and access to capital for financially unreached groups. They support women in developing entrepreneurship, helping them overcome financial barriers....
India Trading S.r.l is one of the food producers selling its products under the brand name Kathmandu. India Trading S.r.l is a company engaged in the import, production, and distribution of food, with a particular emphasis on products from Indian and Nepalese cuisine. The company offers a wide range of spices, flours, sauces, rice, grains, teas, dried fruits, nuts, as well as ready-to-eat meals and snacks....
White Soyabean Nepali Mato 1kg
Nepali Mato supports and promotes women's entrepreneurship in Nepal. It motivates the use of Nepali resources and access to capital for financially unreached groups. They support women in developing entrepreneurship, helping them overcome financial barriers....
Horse Gram Kulthi Bean Nepali Mato 500g
Nepali Mato supports and promotes women's entrepreneurship in Nepal. It encourages the use of Nepalese resources and access to capital for financially underserved groups. It supports women in developing entrepreneurship, helping them overcome financial barriers....
Nieszanki rozłupanej soczewicy Mixed Dal...
Nepali Mato wspiera i promuje przedsiębiorczość kobiet na terenie Nepalu. Motywuje do wykorzystania nepalskich zasobów i dostępu do kapitału dla finansowo nieobjętych grup. Wspiera kobiety w rozwijaniu przedsiębiorczości, pomagając im pokonywać bariery finansowe....