Juicy Mango Squash Kissan 750ml
Not just Ketchup & Sauces, all products - Jam, Peanut Butter, Squash are made with ingredients sourced from farms across India. Oranges from Nagpur, Lemons from the Himalayan foothills, Pineapples from Kerala, Grapes from Karnataka and Peanuts from Gujarat. The brand Kissan is because of the dedicated Kisans of India....
Piradel is known for producing authentic saffron products, such as rock candies and syrups, distinguished by their purity and high quality. Thanks to traditional methods, Piradel offers unique products with the true taste of saffron....
Nannari Syrup 777 Brand 750ml Syrup
Our culinary journey began in 1933 with our successful entry into the restaurant industry. Twenty-one years later, in 1954, the brand 777 was born and the dream of our founders, the Iyer brothers, to serve traditional packaged food in all Indian homes around the world flourished....