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Spiritual Guide Incense Sticks Padmini 50pcs.

Little India > Kadzidełka i akcesoria > Incense Sticks
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Producer: Padmini
Producer code: 8901319461310
Price gros: 6.00 zł
Price net: 4.88 zł

Padmini incense straddles tradition with change. Innovation has added new meaning to their authentic and exotic fragrances Padmini is world renowned for developing premium high quality incense since the early 1960’s.

Spiritual Guide is one of the most popular incense from Padmini. A slightly sweet scent balanced with intriguing balsamic notes. The unique aroma of Spiritual Guide calms the mind, cleanses the space, allows for concentration and meditation.

Padmini products are a unique synthesis of old values and new horizons, traditional culture and modern technologies. The result is a unique harmony of the highest aromas. It uplifts your spirit and stimulates your refined senses. Burn some incense for a transporting, aromatic experience that will calm your mind. Guide your inner self to heavenly heights or to enhance the mood of the moment.

Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Padmini
Name of the manufacturer's fragrance: Spiritual Guide
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Spiritual Guide Incense Sticks Padmini
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack