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Incense white sage

Little India > Kadzidełka i akcesoria > Incense Sticks
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Price gros: 15.00 zł
Price net: 12.20 zł

White sage incense of 25 grams

White sage. This sacred herb of the Navajo Indians is perhaps the most famous and valued natural incense in the world. During combustion, it gives off a characteristic and pleasant natural smell. White sage is also used for spiritual purposes, to clean rooms and people of negative energy. It also helps in healing the soul, mind, and body.

White sage has been used as incense for centuries in various ceremonies, hence its other name - ceremonial sage. Native Americans treated colds with sage and added to healing baths. Sage leaf smoke was used to disinfect houses and purify the air.

If we feel tired, tense, overwhelmed with too many problems, or sickly, it is worth doing a ritual of cleansing the aura with this sage.

White sage can be burned on special charcoal or it is enough to set the leaf on fire and blow it out after a while, putting it on a heat-resistant stand.

Hint: when white sage refuses to burn and goes out, it means that a lot of negative energy is accumulated in a given place (room or body).
To make it ignite faster, you only need to blow lightly on it.