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Roman cumin seeds 1 kg

Little India > For Restaurants > Lista produktów restauracji
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Producer: Little India
Price gros: 55.00 zł
Price net: 50.93 zł

cumin seed, jeer, cumin seeds, Cumin Seeds, Seerakam, Jeerakam, Jeerakam, Jeelakara, Jidakara, Jikaka, Jeerige, Jeera, Jeeru, Safaid Jeera, Zeera, Shimai Shombu, Jeera, Zeera, Safed Jira, Jeeru, Jiru, Safed Jiraun , Jeerey, Jere, Jeera, Jeregire, Jira, Jeera, Jira, Zyur


It has a strong aromatic smell and a pungent taste.

Cumin is an essential ingredient in curry spice.

It is used to impart flavor to rice, vegetable and meat dishes.

The most characteristic spice of Indian cuisine used in the north and south of the subcontinent. Cumin seeds are often added whole in hot oil and roasted to bring out the flavor along with other spices, or they can be ground up, often in combination with cilantro.

Note: Cumin is often confused with cumin, remember these are two different spices. The use of cumin in an Indian recipe can lead to disaster and discourage culinary experimentation.