Udrid Whole Gota TRS 2kg

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  • Manufacturer: TRS
  • Availability: Exists
    Delivery time: 24 hours
  • pcs.
  • Net Price: 23.81 zł / pcs. 25.00 zł / pcs.

Założona w 1959 roku przez Mr Suterwalla, TRS to wiodąca globalnie firma oferująca etniczne przyprawy. Znana z rygorystycznych standardów jakości i dokładnego czyszczenia, TRS cieszy się uznaniem za dostarczanie jednych z najlepszych produktów na rynku.

Black lentils, also known as Urid Whole Gota, are very popular in India and Asia. They are rich in protein, low in fat, contain carbohydrates, folic acid, plenty of fiber, and minerals. With a low glycemic index, they are an excellent choice for those mindful of a healthy diet. This lentil is ideal for preparing curries, one-pot dishes, and soups. Before cooking, it should be soaked for at least a few hours, which speeds up the cooking process and improves its texture. Urid Whole Gota Lentils TRS are not only a delicious addition to meals but also a valuable source of nutrients that support health and well-being.



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