Coffee beans

Espresso Roast Coffee Beans Himalayan Java Nepali Mato 450g

Espresso Roast Coffee Beans Himalayan Ja...

Nepali Mato supports and promotes women's entrepreneurship in Nepal. It motivates the use of Nepali resources and access to capital for financially unreached groups. They support women in developing entrepreneurship, helping them overcome financial barriers....

95.00 zł
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Roasted Arabica Coffee Chito Coffee 500g

Roasted Arabica Coffee Chito Coffee 500g

Chito Coffee is a premium brand with roots in the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. We export carefully selected Arabica coffee, grown with passion and tradition, delivering the highest quality roasted beans and ground coffee to the global market.  ...

80.00 zł
Roasted Ground Arabica Coffee Chito Coffee 500g

Roasted Ground Arabica Coffee Chito Coff...

Chito Coffee is a premium brand with roots in the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. We export carefully selected Arabica coffee, grown with passion and tradition, delivering the highest quality roasted beans and ground coffee to the global market.  ...

80.00 zł
Palona kawa arabica mielona Chito Coffee 250g

Palona kawa arabica mielona Chito Coffee...

Chito Coffee to marka premium, której korzenie sięgają regionu Yirgacheffe w Etiopii. Eksportujemy starannie wyselekcjonowaną kawę Arabica, uprawianą z pasją i tradycją, dostarczając najwyższej jakości palone ziarna i mieloną kawę na globalny rynek.  ...

45.00 zł
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