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Urid Whole Gota

Little India > Dals ,Lentiles,Groats, Pods, Cereals
main main
Producer: TRS
Producer code: 5017689147433
Price gros: 7.90 zł
Price net: 7.52 zł

Urid Whole Gota is an extremely valued pulse crop. It is the most nutritious bean of all pulses and commonly cooked for healthy diet. These lentils have skinned. Urid Gota is rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium with good quality amount of sodium.
It also has little amount of iron in it. Inner layer of black gram is oval shaped in white colour and outer is black. Urid Beans is boiled and eaten whole or after splitting into dhal.

waga: 500g 10
waga: 2kg 29.99
waga: 1kg 15.5