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Chia Seeds Top Op 250g

Little India > Superfood > Chia seeds
main main
Producer: Top-Op
Producer code: 5021885020025
Price gros: 17.00 zł
Price net: 16.19 zł

Top-Op Foods has been known for over 40 years as a leading supplier and distribution company in the world food market. They are preferred suppliers to a vast range of superior quality world food products to various clients across Europe from the national distribution Centre in London.

Chia is named after the Mayan word for "strength" - it's a super-seed that has been prized since ancient times. Add them to yogurt or salad, mix them into your morning smoothie, or make your own chia seed pudding. Chia seeds are small and black, and after soaking they swell and slightly soften. Chia are superfoods, because apart from antioxidants, they also contain important unsaturated fatty acids, minerals (including magnesium, calcium, iron) and huge amounts of fiber. Chia seeds supplement deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. They have a positive effect on the skeletal system, have anti-cancer properties and increase insulin sensitivity.

Country of origin: Boliwia
Manufacturer: Top-Op
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Chia Seeds Top Op
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Weight (g): 250