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Incense Stick Sir M.V.100 (Agarbatti) 90g Mysore Sandal

Little India > Kadzidełka i akcesoria > Incense Sticks
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Producer: Mysore Sandal
Producer code: 8901287400809
Price gros: 15.00 zł
Price net: 12.20 zł

Incense Stick Sir M.V.100 (Agarbatti) Mysore Sandal


Sandalwood is known for its divine fragrance and captivating essence since ages. Mysore Sandal Agarbathis brings home the divinity of pure Mysore Sandalwood in the form of incense sticks. Blended with the extracts of sandalwood oil, rolled to get the best incense sticks for any purpose, any occasion. Sandal is considered to be a sacred tree and its fragrance hence is divine as well.



weight: 90g