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Food coloring orange TRS 25g

Little India > Food flavors & colors > Food Colours
main main
Producer: TRS
Producer code: 5017689266592
Price gros: 4.00 zł
Price net: 3.25 zł

TRS food color is strong orange.

TRS food dye. It is commonly used in home cooking to enhance the color, appearance, and effect of a dish. Our TRS Deep Orange Food Color gives the dish a wonderful orange hue and can be deepened or lightened if needed.
Application in the kitchen:

- For sugar masses, sugar products, and creams.

-desserts, ice cream, sauces

- Gives food a livelier and more orange tint to the color of the food.

- Can be used to create and decorate cakes and biscuits, cookies, and frosting.

Storage Instructions: Store away from sunlight.

The package contains 25g of dye.

Even 5g can color up to 100 kg of mass for the production of cakes.

Expiration date: 02/2024.

Manufacturer: TRS