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250G TRS carnations

Little India > For Restaurants > Lista produktów restauracji
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Producer: TRS
Producer code: 5017689038304
Price gros: 28.00 zł
Price net: 22.76 zł

Clocks entirely TRS

TRS cloves, 250g

Cloves are aromatic dried flower buds from the clove tree, which are very spicy in taste, strongly aromatic and rusty brown in color. Cloves come from Indonesia and are used as a spice in the preparation of many recipes around the world. Cloves are used in cooking whole or in powdered form. They have a very intense flavor, so use them carefully. Cloves are used in almost all oriental spicy dishes or as an ingredient in spice mixtures along with other spices, one example of such a spice mixture is known as "Garam Masala". In Indian cuisine, cloves are used whole in the preparation of pulao and are uniquely used in Biryani recipes to enhance the flavor of the rice. Cloves are also key ingredients in Masala Chai (tea with spices). Cloves are one of the staple ingredients of Dutch specule, a type of shortbread biscuit. In addition, cloves are used in traditional Dutch hachee dishes.

Add a dash of cloves to your homemade apple pie for a delicious flavor.

Thanks to their disinfecting properties, cloves strengthen the immune system and eliminate the spread of infection in the body.
• They destroy free radicals, and therefore are an excellent prevention of many diseases,
• They prolong youth,
• eliminates infections and inflammations due to the strong antiseptic,
• In addition, mulled wine with cloves soothes the nerves, helps you fall asleep and regulates the functions of the nervous system,

Cloves are helpful for a headache or toothache. When a toothache occurs, chew a clove or soak a cotton ball in clove oil and apply it to the sore spot.


To keep it fresh and fragrant, store it in an airtight container in a cool and dry place.

Manufacturer: TRS