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Neem Powder 100g Hesh

Little India > Cosmetics > Skincare > Face masks
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Producer: Hesh
Producer code: 8901701110109
Price gros: 10.00 zł
Price net: 8.13 zł

Hesh Neem Powder - Antibacterial and anti-dandruff mask for the face and scalp.

Powdered neem leaves are an excellent natural hair and skincare remedy.


-effectively fights dandruff
-is a natural antibacterial agent
- cleans, removes excess fat and impurities
- tones the scalp, restores its natural color
- perfectly cares for bedsores and diaper rash, various types of rashes (including pimples)


1. Mix the right amount of neem leaf powder with water to form a thin paste
2. Apply to the scalp or face, massage gently
3. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes
4. then rinse thoroughly with water



weigt: 100g